Author's note: Besides Fuelgram Likes, 24 hour pods are the only ones I personally participate in, because it makes the best use of my time, and gets me a nice drip feed of likes over 24 hours.
What is a 24 hour Instagram Pod?
A 24 hour pod is an engagement group on Telegram where Instagrammers can drop links over a 24 hour period.
Participants joining the round must engage with (or like) all the links dropped in the last 24 hours.
What are the benefits of a 24 hour Telegram Pod?
Many groups are Dx5 or Dx10 even Dx20 groups which means you have to engage with 5, 10 or 20 posts before you can drop your own.
This means that once you've finished engaging with the previous posts, you can only get up to 5, 10, or 20 likes or comments on your post.
Note, it can take up to 20 minutes to complete a Dx20 round (especially with comments).
In contrast, a 24 hour group may have up to 200 people engaging over a 24 hour period.
This means that you are guaranteed to get a drip feed of likes over a 24 hour period. This pattern of likes is consistent with organic likes which tend to occur over 24 hours.

In contrast, if you buy Instagram likes or pay for automated engagement, you tend to get them within seconds or minutes.

Now there are two schools of thought around this:
- Some people believe in fast likes to help reach the explore tab. As such, they will purchase Power Likes or participate in automated engagement pods like Fuelgram or Executive Mafia or SNT Engagement Bot
- Others believe that a more organic drip of likes over 24 hours is more natural.
Using a free Chrome Extension
The great thing about 24 hour Telegram pods is that you can use a free Chrome Extension to help you with the likes.
In particular, I'm a big fan of Wolf groups on Telegram and the Wolf Global - Auto Liker Chrome Extension, which was created just for this purpose!
Here's how it works.
Step 1: Go to the Wolf Bot on Telegram
Find the @WolfGlobal_bot on Telegram.
Type /help to start the bot.
Click on Catching-Up to select the group you wish to participate in.

Selected your Instagram engagement group. In the screenshot below, I selected Wolf Onyx | 24:00.

Once you've selected your group, you will get a list of links dropped in the past 24 hours.

If you choose the right groups, you can get up to 200+ links.
Step 2: Install the Chrome Extension - Wolf Global - Auto Liker
(note some people say this doesn't work for them. See alternative below)

Step 3: Head over to Instagram
Open up a tab and go to Make sure you're logged on to your account.
Open the extension, and paste the URLs from the Telegram bot into the box below.
Set a delay speed (I tend to set mine at 5-7 seconds).
Then hit submit.

As long as the tab remains open, the Wolf Global - Auto Liker chrome extension will navigate to each url one by one and use javascript to click on like using your logged on Instagram account.
Isn't that neat?
It will then like all the URLs that you have pasted in - helping you complete your engagement!
This allows you to go and do other things while the extension runs in the background.
Step 4: Drop your link in the relevant engagement group
Once you're done engaging with all the links, head over to the Wolf group (e.g. Onyx 24 Hour Likes) and drop your own link in this format:
Once you've dropped your URL you can check the Wolf Bot if you missed any links (click on Check username against DB).
Then sit back for the next 24 hours and watch the likes roll in!
Isn't that just SWEEEEEEET?

Are there other 24 hour groups?
Yes there are! There are a bunch of them on Telegram. You can download the list with the Telegram join link here.
But Wolf Global - Autoliker doesn't work
Some people have reported that the Chrome extension Wolf Autoliker does not work.
Here is an alternative that has been working well for my virtual assistants.
Finally one last alternative: The Girls Room 24H likes also has a Chrome Extension but they charge $10/month for a license to use it.
24 hour like engagement pods can save you a ton of time and can help to improve your productivity allowing you to do other things as the extension does your engaging for you. Just remember to leave the tab active and open.
It's 100% organic, does not require you to give anyone your password, and comes from your account, your computer and your IP address.
For the paranoid, this option is the least likely to get you into trouble with Instagram's algorithm or to get you shadow-banned.
What do you think of using this Chrome Extension to automate your engagements and get a 24 hour drip feed of likes?
Do let me know in the comments below!
P.S. if you need a virtual assistant to help you with your autoliking, drop me an email at steph @ hipsterkidster dot come and I'll forward you their details. Learn more about their services here.
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Hi I'm Steph. I blog about Instagram Tips